Learn About Whitlam Group’sQuality and Sustainability Efforts

Our philosophy is committed to improving the quality and sustainability of our products, services, cost, and productivity. The continual improvement process is achieved by maintaining an atmosphere for knowledge, innovation, training, and team effort throughout our organization.

Our dedication to a Total Quality Environmental Management (TQEM) system that recognizes quality as “Conformance to Requirements” and is dedicated to “Protecting the Environment.” Our performance standard is zero defects, and our goal is to achieve this standard at all levels of operation.

IATF logo

ISO and ANAB logo

quality assurance

Quality Standards

Our integrated management system ensures quality, process, security, and environmental and occupational safety.

Quality Objectives

  • Enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements
  • Provide zero defect products and services
  • Train and continually educate employees in the quality function
  • Continue to improve our products and processes


A major part of this philosophy has been incorporating sustainable business practices wherever possible. As a manufacturer of pressure-sensitive films and adhesives, we recognize the potential impact on the environment from our manufacturing processes and our solutions.

Our policy is to minimize environmentally adverse operations by striking a balance between environmental factors and our manufacturing processes, in addition to our many sustainable manufacturing initiatives. We believe being a good steward of our environmental resources will make us a stronger, more competitive company and be better able to support and satisfy our broad customer base.

Sustainability Objectives

  • Prevention of pollution
  • Reduction of waste
  • Commitment to continuous improvement
  • Compliance to applicable legal and other regulations
  • Enhance customer satisfaction by maintaining world-class quality and environmental management system

Whitlam GroupCode of Conduct

Whitlam Group’s success as a global business is based on reliability, innovation, dedication, and responsibility. We strive to uphold the ethical and business standards described herein and expect the same from our suppliers, service providers, and other partners.

This Supplier Code of Conduct illustrates the values according to which Whitlam Group operates globally.
Whitlam Group expects all of its suppliers to conform to the policies defined below in their dealings with
Whitlam Group, their own employees and suppliers, and third parties such as other companies, government
officials and individuals.

As a supplier of Whitlam Group, we expect you to read and conform to the principles defined below.

five stars

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A. Compliance with Laws and Rules of Society

WHITLAM GROUP is committed to full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and international treaties. WHITLAM GROUP also requires its suppliers to be committed to ethical conduct and full compliance. These guidelines are not a substitute for, nor should they be considered to override local laws and regulations. They represent supplementary principles and standards of behavior of a non-legal character.

B. Child Labor

WHITLAM GROUP will not accept child labor under any circumstances, nor will it contract with suppliers or subcontractors using such labor.

C. Modern Slavery

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to reject any form of forced labor, including but not limited to slavery, torture, human trafficking or compulsory labor of any kind. Freely chosen employment should be respected and observed.

D. Fair Working Conditions

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to enforce the right to fair working labor conditions, including fair wages and social benefits. We expect statutory provisions on minimum wage be observed alongside regulations on working hours, breaks and vacation entitlements.

E. The Working Environment

WHITLAM GROUP strongly believes all employees are entitled to a safe and healthy working environment and have the right to be free from violations of personal integrity. Whitlam Group suppliers shall maintain an adequate administrative policy on health and safety.

F. Ethical Recruiting

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to focus on careful, considered selection and placement in their recruitment practices. Whitlam Group expects its suppliers to engage workers fairly, transparently and on merit.

G. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

H. Non-Discrimination and Harassment

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to treat their employees in a fair and equal manner. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity that prohibits discrimination of any type. Diversity is accepted and valued by Whitlam Group and the same is expected from our suppliers. We strongly believe nondiscrimination is both an ethical standard and a fundamental human right. Whitlam Group will not tolerate discrimination, whether due to sex, age, religion, political opinion, national or ethnic origin, or any other such basis. Any type of harassment, regardless of the intent, whether direct or indirect, physical or verbal, is prohibited. Whitlam Group expects its suppliers to ensure all its employees are allowed to work in a harassment-free environment.

I. Environment

WHITLAM GROUP seeks to preserve natural resources and protect the environment. Whitlam Group conducts its business operations in such a way as to avoid or minimize any adverse impact on the environment and continuously strives to improve its products and services with the environment in mind. Whitlam Group expects its suppliers to conform to the same principles.

J. Intellectual Property and Publicity

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to conform to all applicable national laws and international treaties on intellectual property, and to refrain from infringing on either Whitlam Group or third-party intellectual property rights. WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to comply with all applicable agreements on confidentiality or nondisclosure. Furthermore, suppliers are entitled to publicize their cooperation with Whitlam Group or utilize Whitlam Group trademarks only if, and to the extent, this has been explicitly agreed upon with Whitlam Group in writing. In the event that such explicit authorization exists, suppliers are expected to comply with all instructions and guidelines that Whitlam Group may, from time-to-time, issue concerning the same.

K. Improper Payments or Benefits

No direct or indirect payments or hospitalities such as excessive entertainment or gifts shall be made by Whitlam Group’s suppliers for the benefit of Whitlam Group’s employees or any governmental representative or employee, labor union, or current or prospective customer or supplier for the purpose of improperly obtaining benefits of any kind, nor shall any supplier accept any improper benefit from any source.

L. Anti-Corruption

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to comply with all anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws.

M. Anti-Trust

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to operate openly and honestly with all applicable anti-trust laws.

N. Data Privacy and Data Security

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to commit to protecting, with reasonable expectations, the privacy of personal data of everyone they do business with, including suppliers, customers, consumers and employees. Whitlam Group expects suppliers to comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted or shared. Whitlam Group expects its suppliers to promptly report any breach of the security of system data in accordance with all laws and regulations.

O. Protection of Identity and Non-Retaliation

WHITLAM GROUP expects its suppliers to ensure that the confidentiality, anonymity and protection of supplier and employee whistleblowers are to be upheld unless prohibited by law. There should be a communication process in place for supplier personnel to be able to report misconduct without fear of retaliation.

Conflict Minerals (CMRT) and Cobalt (CRT) Reporting

In accordance with the Doff Frank Conflict Minerals Disclosure Requirements, The Whitlam Group, Inc. requires that our Suppliers comply with government regulations to not include conflict minerals including Cobalt in products that were extracted using illegal means. We also request that our Suppliers properly manage their operations to ensure that minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries are not used as a raw material in their products.

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Globally Harmonized System-Safety Data Sheets

We maintain Safety Data Sheets (SDS) conforming to the requirements under the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.


To provide a healthy & safe workplace for all.

Our policy includes the following objectives:

  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health
  • Manage health and safety risks in our workplace
  • Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees are competent to do their work
  • Provide personal protective equipment
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
  • Ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  • Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or other significant incidents
For information on our COVID-19 Policy and Procedures, please read our COVID-19 PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE PLAN